Welcome Everyone Who:


· To do right things right first time.

Does not want:

· To do things without value.

Knows that:

· Software Testing never ends, it just stops.

· Software Quality does not happen by accident; it has to be planned.

Believes that:

· There's always one more bug during Software Testing.

· Software Testing is the art of thinking.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Count the number of links & Objects in a web page by ChildObjects Method

Dim objDesc, objAllLinks, intNumberOfLinks
Set objDesc = Description.Create()
objDesc("micclass").Value = "Link"
Set objAllLinks = Browser("creationtime:=0").
intNumberOfLinks = objAllLinks.Count
msgbox intNumberOfLinks

QTP script for Message Boxes That Close Automatically

The function below shows a message box that disappears after the specified timeout (in seconds). The script execution then continues.

Public Sub MsgBoxTimeout (Text, Title, TimeOut)

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

WshShell.Popup Text, TimeOut, Title

If TimeOut is 0, it behaves just like a normal message box. If TimeOut is greater than 0, the dialog box disappears after the specified number of seconds.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

What Motivates QA Engineer

Clear goals and vision for testing. It is important to know where we are heading in testing and that this is agreed with senior management. Discussing the terms or reference for testing with your team, producing a one page document and publicising it. This shows commitment towards testing.

Support for your engineers. It is important for QA Managers, to listen to the team. Discuss various courses and staff development with your team. Think about sending them on testing courses, conferences or testing seminars to improve their skill.

It is also important that we are seen to strike the right balance between hands-off and hands-on QA management. Small things like sitting with the testers rather than in a large office and actually helping with testing will motivate the team. It shows them that you are involved rather than removed.

Promoting the value of testing. Another way to motivate the team is to promote the value of testing at every opportunity. This is such an important aspect because so often QA engineers are not valued for the work they do. The primary reason, is that we do not produce anything that is tangible. The QA Manager must constantly reflect and report on how individuals, as well as the whole team, have added value to the project and company.

Career path & Salary acknowledged. Salaries for testers should reflect their skill and the value that they add to the company. There should be no differentiation between QA, developer and designer's salary structures.

One of Maslow's motivational needs is self realization an opportunity to improve in the job we find ourselves in. Therefore a career path for SQA is essential if we are going to meet this need. Unfortunately many organisations do not have a clearly defined career path for the QA Engineers.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Test Automation ROI Calculator

I was reading an article about Automation and as we all know it all drills down to ROI and found this calculator. Haven't played with it enough to share my thoughts on it, but will do it as soon as I look into it in more details.

You can find it here:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It doesn't matter how clever you are at automating a test, or how well you do it. If the test itself achieves nothing then all you end up with is a test that achieves nothing faster." - Mark Fewster