Welcome Everyone Who:


· To do right things right first time.

Does not want:

· To do things without value.

Knows that:

· Software Testing never ends, it just stops.

· Software Quality does not happen by accident; it has to be planned.

Believes that:

· There's always one more bug during Software Testing.

· Software Testing is the art of thinking.

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

QTP v11 and Silverlight

While in the process of creating several automation suites that deal with SL plug in, faced a problem where QTP would not recognize anything.

After some "googling" tried to uninstall Silverlight v4 and installed v3, that did not work. Realized that there is a patch from HP, but had difficult time finding the download site. Came across this resource, just sharing this with you. If you are running QTP v11 and having difficulties with SL plug in, you will need to install QTPNET 00051 and QTPWEB 00090 patches, but you can find other patches there as well.


Thank you Joe Colantonio!!!