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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Unable to configure JDBC data source in SoapUI

I am using SoapUI tool to do accomplish some of our web services testing. As one of my goals, I wanted to  compare value(s) a given service returns with the actual data in MSSQL 2005 via SoapUI.
Came across an issue, where I wasn't able to connect to SQL (we use name instances and windows authentication).
After several hours of research came accross a solution. Sharing it with you, hopefully it will save you time!

From SmartBear forum (don't have the URL).

1) Download the latest driver from http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/de ... n&id=21599

2) Unpack, copy 'sqljdbc.jar' or 'sqljdbc4.jar' (copying both resulted in a could not connect exception) to /bin/ext
Then, copy 'sqljdbc_auth.dll' to /bin

Use following connection string if using named instances:

Use following connection string if using server port:

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